Thursday, October 02, 2008

God Is Not My Opposite

This was in last month's Magnificat (p. 347) and I thought it worth reproducing since it speaks to the fallacy of gnosticism and the need to look to nature to understand God.

A thing is not true just because I need it, for need does not create truth, but only directs us to it. Or am I forbidden to ask whether the miracle of the Incarnation is true? Must I even believe it just because it is not true for my critical thought? And is faith therefore essentially a conflict and contradiction? That could only be if God were not merely something different from me, but something essentially opposite; if my whole being were sin. Then I should in truth possess in myself no means of access to God. I should be darkness unpenetrated by God's light; I should be a corpse, and his life flowing round me. But am I a corpse? Am I only sin? No, I am not. I have sin, but I am not sin. I have death in me, but I am not dead. I have contrariety in me, but not pure negation, not absolute contradiction. Just for that reason my thought, for all its stumbling, can discern the problem of my being; and my will, however much it may waver, can desire the removal of my contrarieties in the God-Man. So faith in the Incarnation is not a miraculous flower growing in me without root; it has its root in my natural capacity for God, in what the theologians call a potentia obedientialis, and it is evoked therein by God. Therefore faith does not come to me without my co-operation. I must hold my soul ready for the living God, and I must hearken to him when he gives testimony of himself.

—Father Karl Adam, Christ Our Brother, trans. Dom Justin McCann (Collier Books, 1959).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

About philosophy of physics & religion ./ My opinion ./


We live in modern scientific world and I think
the science will purify the religion of the “dross”.
I think the science will prove the truth
of the religion's base.
What give the Life to the formulas and equations?
What must be present in a body to make it alive?
My answer:
Soul. quantum of light/electron.
Why quantum of light/electron?
Because, from all particles, only the quantum of light
is a privileged particle.
Only Light quantum has the speed of an absolute quantity c = 1.
No other particle can travel with the speed c = 1.
Because, the physicists say: Light quanta have dualistic behaviour.
I say: The dualism of light quanta connects with its ability
to be an electron. (according to the law of conservation/transformation
of energy and the Lorentz transformations)…….. etc.
Today scientists think that everything begins from “ Big Bang.”
And according to " big bang" our Universe exist 13 (+ ) billion years.
My question :
Is it possible to create a child from cell [ zigota] only in 280 days
according to Probability theory? If " yes "it will be take time not
280 days but will take time more than our Universe exist.
So, maybe the pregnancy woman was before “ big bang”.
If " no " so the process must have aim.
It means somebody /something must manage this process.
My opinion :
It is impossible, according to Probability theory , only in 280 days
to create a physical body, who we named " child ", from billions
and billions different cells. It means the Probability theory
doesn’t work in cell theory, doesn’t work in biophysics.
It means the Probability theory doesn’t work in period of woman's
pregnancy. It means somebody /something must manage
the creating of child . The religion says : " it is soul".
I say: " The privileged particle Quantum of light / Electron must
manage this process. (According my interpretation SRT + QED) "
And if you look back in history of physics you can see that
until the time of Newton/ Leipzig most scientists were
sure, that two kinds of matter existed: vital (animate) and
inanimate. But after the French revolution ( Laplace, ...etc)
this point of view changed. It seemed that the vitalism idea
died. ( H. Driesch....etc) So, I only go back to this old religion/
scientific idea and try to explain it by Quantum theory ( SRT+QED).
Because, some people that survived clinical death, claim that they saw light.
They saw their material body and everything happening around as from aside,
that in this moment they were not a material body.
Who were they?
Somebody wrote me:
I’m trying to understand what you are saying here. Are you saying that
there is a single electron (or photon?), the spiritual particle, somewhere
in each of our brains that is an antenna-like receiver for divine
transmissions? And we can acquire new forces and abilities
by listening to it?
I say: Yes, exactly so.
The brain of a man approximately consists of sixteen or more
billions neurons. All of them form the system that manages human body.
According to the Pauli exclusion principle,
only one single electron can be in the atom.
This electron reanimates the atom. This electron manages the atom.
If the atom contains more than one electron (for example - two),
this atom represents a "Siamese twin".
Save us, Great God, of having such atoms, such children!
So usually, electron action is almost completely disguised
by the other forces (mechanical, electromagnetic, nuclear, chemical ……etc).
That is why, it is no wonder, that with the work of all the sixteen billion
neutrons of the brain, a man cannot catch a single impulse of an electron/
quantum of light, his own God:
(mass of electron is equal 10^-31 kg., charge of electron is equal 10^-19 k.)
It remains unnoticed in ordinary processes.
The situation is: (electron power) hw < kT ( all another powers).
But sometime ( for example in a critical situation)
the energy of the electron can be, hw > kT.
The small energy of Electron is higher than the common
electric field of the brain, and we can acquire new forces
and abilities by listening to it.
Once again.
An electron's mass is 10^-28gr . The size is 10^-13sm. A charge is 10^-19k .
With these characteristics it is hard for IT to appear.
Therefore it is clear, why we don't know IT in our ordinary life.
ITS cognition is achieved by a very hard, thin and laborious work.
This work (meditation) demands a person to be devoted to it.
All of us have the personal God/Soul and it is a light quanta/electron.
Maybe somebody thinks that the power of the light quanta/electron
is so weak that it is possible to scorn it. This is a mistake.
In meditation, the imperceptible power of the light quanta/electron
unusually increases.
I want to give two examples.
It was during the Second World war.
A young soldier was badly wounded. The doctors said he would not live
and refused to operate on him. But only the soldier's body was wounded.
He did not lose consciousness and heard the conversation of the doctors.
He was young and wanted to live very much, but what could he do
if the body was wounded? And suddenly and unexpectedly he saw
the quantum of light which began to rotate around his body.
And the soldier became fanatic. He imagined himself as the quantum
of light that rotated round his body. Some days passed.
The doctors were surprised, seeing, that he had not died yet,
and decided to operate. And then they made a second operation,
third, ….. tenth ….
50 years have passed and the strong,
well built man told his story on Russian T.V.
The doctor unsuccessfully jumped from a ski springboard,
fell and at once he understood that the backbone was broken.
It a was 100% physical inability. People with such an injury cannot move.
In this difficult time the doctor recollected the books about yoga
and eastern practices. He has imagined himself a quantum of light
and began to twist it around his body and backbone.
It was fanatical work.
After three years of this work, the doctor could move; at first on crutches,
then with a stick, and then freely. This is the story from one of the Soviet
Maybe somebody will say that I mixed together physics, religion,
mystic, parapsychology, the theory of knowledge ………etc.
I think that all these subjects naturally enter into the theory:

T = 0K.
There is only one Absolute Reference Frame
and it is Vacuum : T=0K .
And Quantum Theory says that T=0K is not dead space.
QT says the " virtual particles " exist in Vacuum: T=0K.
These " virtual particles " have following parameters.
Geometrical form = C/D=pi ,
Potential energy = E=Mc^2,
Potential mass = R/N=k ,
Inner impulse = h = 0 ,
Mathematical formula = i^2=-1 .
Their condition is rest.
Then these " virtual particles " have Planck's impulse (h=1)
(or Einstein's impulse h=kb=1) they move with constant speed c=1.
We call these particle " Quantum of Light".
h = 1, c=1. ( light quanta).
Then these " virtual particles " have impulse
Goudsmit / Uhlenbeck (h=h/2pi) they became electrons
(E = hw, e^2 = hca ).
This situation described with " The Lorentz transformations."

h = h /2pi , c>1.
E = hw, e^2 = hca ( electron).
The Lorentz transformations.
If these " virtual particles " have three conditions:
rest ( h=0), strait constant moving (c=1) and it can
rotate around its axis ( h=h/2pi) they are special particles.
And no other particles can reach their speed it means they
cannot have such ability as Light Quanta/ Electron has.
Therefore I say " Light Quanta/ Electron is privileged particle",
and it is possible to name Light Quanta/ Electron
as a " Spiritual, Conscious particle – Soul "
There is another question.
The " virtual particles " exist in Vacuum : T=0K.
The Vacuum created these "virtual, spiritual, conscious particles ".
What is Vacuum? Who is Vacuum?
Silence. Amazement.
It is something Infinitely, Eternally, Consciously…..
……something higher our understatement.
" The DAO that can be expressed is not eternal DAO. "
Here I explain the process of " Star formation".
Star formation:
e- -> k -> He II -> He I -> rotating He –> plasma reaction -
- -> thermonuclear reaction: ( P. Kapitza , L. Landau,
E.L. Andronikashvili theories ),
( Theories of superconductivity and superfluidity.).
a) hw > kT
b) hw = kT
c) kT > hw
As the result of star formation the Material particles
(protons) turn out well.
p ( Proton.)
Here I explain the process of interaction between
Light Quanta/ Electron and Proton.
The process of evolution is one of main in Universe.
Evolution of interaction:
a) electromagnetic,
b) nuclear,
c) biological.
The main laws in Universe.
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy.
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / law.
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ law.
Every theory must be testing logically and practically.
a) Theory and practice.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.
The secret of words 'God', 'soul ', 'religion', ‘ Existence’,
'dualism of consciousness', 'human being' hide
in the “Theory of Light Quanta”.